Top 15+ Tempat Wisata di Baubau Terbaru, Terindah & Paling Hits


Top 15+ Tempat Wisata di Baubau Terbaru, Terindah & Paling Hits

Ingin liburan ke Baubau? Inilah list objek wisata populer di Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara. Tempat wisata alam terbaru, terindah dan paling hits dikunjungi wisatawan saat musim liburan.

Sulawesi Tenggara juga menjadi destinasi yang menarik untuk dijelajahi. Anda bisa memilih kota Baubau sebagai tujuan selanjutnya petualangan Anda. Kota satu ini terkenal dengan Negeri Seribu Benteng, yang juga menawarkan pesona luar biasa yang wajib dijelajahi. Destinasi wisatanya cukup lengkap, dari wisata sejarah hingga pantai-pantai cantiknya. Berikut tempat wisata hits di Baubau yang bisa menjadi referensi tujuan liburan Anda selanjutnya.

1. Benteng Keraton Buton

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

Image Credit: Google Maps (Herliyansyah Pratama)

Benteng Keraton Buton memang bukan destinasi terbaru di kota ini. Tapi tempat satu ini hingga kini masih menjadi favorit wisatawan. Merupakan wisata sejarah, benteng satu ini memiliki bentuk arsitektur yang begitu unik. Dibuat dari batu kapur dengan bentuk lingkaran, Benteng Keraton Buton terbilang besar sekitar 23.375 ha.

Bahkan tempat hits satu ini pernah mendapatkan penghargaan MURI juga Guinnes Book Record di tahun 2006 silam sebagai benteng terluas di dunia. Terletak di atas bukit, Anda juga akan disuguhkan pemandangan yang luar biasa. Benteng Keraton Buton juga sangat cocok untuk berburu foto foto yang menawan. Saat di Baubau sebaiknya tak melewatkan destinasi satu ini.

Harga Tiket: Rp 5.000; Map: Cek Lokasi
Alamat: Jl. Labuke, Melai, Kec.  Murhum, Kota Bau-Bau, Sulawesi Tenggara.

2. Cagar Alam Wakonti

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

Image Credit: @usumani.usman.9

Objek wisata selanjutnya yang tak kalah hits dan diburu wisatawan adalah Cagar Alam Wakonti. Tempat satu ini merupakan objek hutan lindung yang masih terjaga keasliannya. Lokasinya mudah untuk dijangkau, dengan jarak sekitar 6 km dari pusat Baubau. Panorama yang dihadirkan akan membuat Anda terpesona sekaligus pelepas penat yang mujarab.

Tak hanya bisa menikmati panorama alam saja, pengunjung juga bisa menemukan berbagai pohon langka. Salah satunya yang menarik perhatian adalah Pohon Loreng yang mirip seragam tentara. Anggrek anggrek liar juga tumbuh subur semakin menambah asri suasananya. Beberapa penghuni seperti kuskus, kupu kupu, kera kakatua hingga beragam jenis burung juga bisa ditemukan.

Harga Tiket: Rp 15.000; Map: Cek Lokasi
Alamat: Kadolokatapi, Kec. Wolio, Kab. Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara.

3. Masjid Quba

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

Image Credit: Google Maps (Iwan Rahady)

Jika Anda masih ingin mengunjungi destinasi yang hits, Anda bisa menjadikan Masjid Quba sebagai tujuan. Masjid satu ini tak hanya memiliki bangunan yang unik, namun juga sebagai peninggalan sejarah. Masjid Quba juga mendapatkan predikat sebagai masjid paling tua di Baubau. Mengingat masjid ini dibangun di tahun 1826 silam.

Dimana pada saat itu masih dibawah naungan Sultan Buton XXIX. Bangunan yang dimiliki begitu unik, daya tarik utamanya memang berada pada arsitekturnya. Masjid Quba dikelilingi dengan area makam, bahkan bisa dijadikan wisata religi. Mengingat di area makam ini ada Makan Sultan Butin XIX. Anda juga bisa sekalian merasakan beribadah di masjid satu ini.

Harga Tiket: Gratis; Map: Cek Lokasi
Alamat: Jl. Baadia, Betoambari, Sulaa, Kec. Betoambari, Kota Bau-Bau, Sulawesi Tenggara.

4. Bukit Kalampa

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

Image Credit: @RadioPLS_mks

Ingin menikmati panorama indah dari ketinggian? Bukit Kalampa menjadi destinasi yang sangat pas untuk Anda singgahi. Di atas bukit ini, Anda juga akan menemukan bukit kecil yang tak kalah menawan. Udara sekelilingnya yang sejuk akan membuat pengunjung betah berlama lama. Anda juga bisa sekalian berburu foto foto instagramable ketika singgah di Bukit Kalampa ini.

Harga Tiket: Rp 10.000; Map: Cek Lokasi
Alamat: Lipu, Kec. Betoambari, Kab. Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara.

5. Bukit Wantiro

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

Image Credit: Google Maps (Anggri Malaria)

Masih belum puas menjelajah bukit di Baubau? Anda bisa melanjutkan menuju Bukit Wantiro. Pemandangan alam yang disuguhkan merupakan perairan biru yang luar biasa indah. Di bukit ini, Anda juga bisa sekalian kulineran karena dilengkapi warung makan. Hingga kini destinasi wisata di Baubau ini termasuk wisata yang hits di kalangan wisatawan.

Harga Tiket: -; Map: Cek Lokasi
Alamat: Jl. Anoa, Kadolomoko, Kec. Kokalukuna, Kota Bau-Bau, Sulawesi Tenggara.

6. Air terjun Samparona

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

Image Credit: Google Maps (Xaverius Endro)

Selain bukit dan wisata Sejarah, di Baubau Anda juga bisa menemukan wisata air terjun yang tak kalah menarik untuk dikunjungi. Air terjun samparona termasuk air terjun cantik yang akan membuat Anda terkesan. Tempat satu ini berada di kawasan hutan yang masih terjaga keasriannya hingga kini. Suasananya yang tenang siap untuk menjadi pelepas penat Anda.

Air yang dimiliki Air Terjun Samparona begitu jernih dan segar. Membuat siapapun yang singgah tidak sabar untuk menjajal kesegarannya atau sekedar bermain air. Memiliki ketinggian sekitar 20 meter, air terjun ini juga termasuk wisata hits yang mudah untuk diakses. Pastikan untuk tidak lupa mengabadikan setiap momen saat berkunjung ke air terjun ini.

Harga Tiket: Rp 10.000; Map: Cek Lokasi
Alamat: Lipumangau, Kec. Sampolawa, Kab. Buton, Sulawesi Tenggara.

7. Air Terjun Lagawuna

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

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Masih seputar wisata air terjun, Air Terjun Lagawuna juga menjadi wisata andalan yang tak boleh Anda lewatkan. Memang, untuk menjangkaunya Anda membutuhkan perjalanan yang tidak mudah. Sehingga wisata satu ini sangat cocok bagi Anda yang gemar berpetualang. Anda memang akan menjangkaunya dengan menggunakan kendaraan bermotor.

Namun nantinya akan dilanjutkan dengan berjalan kaki sekitar 4 km. Namun semua penat Anda akan dihempas begitu menyaksikan panorama yang dimilikinya. Suasana alam yang masih asri dan terjaga membuat siapapun betah berlama lama. Udara yang sejuk dengan suasana tenang memang menjadi obat yang mujarab.

Harga Tiket: Rp 10.000; Map: Cek Lokasi
Alamat: Karya Baru, Kec. Sorawolio, Kab. Baubau, Sulawasi Tenggara.

8. Pemandian Alam Bungi

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

Image Credit: @la.usumani

Pemandian Alam Bungi menjadi destinasi favorit di kalangan masyarakat sekitar. Memang destinasi satu ini masih hits hingga saat ini. Pemandian Alam ini terlihat seperti sungai, dengan air yang begitu jernih dan segar. pemandangan alam yang disuguhkan juga masih terjaga hingga saat ini. Ketika berkunjung, Anda juga akan bertemu dengan warga sekitar yang sedang mandi.

Warga yang merupakan tetangga desa juga sering singgah di ke tempat ini. Selain bisa melepas penat di sungainya, Anda juga bisa menyambangi Air terjun Tirta Rimba yang bisa dikatakan jaraknya berdekatan. Untuk menuju pemandian Alam Bungi, Anda harus menempuh perjalanan sekitar 10 km dari pusat kota Baubau.

Harga Tiket: Rp 10.000; Map: Cek Lokasi
Alamat: Kec. Bungi, Kab. Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara.

9. Gua Kaisabu

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

Image Credit: @arrow.archer.58

Tidak hanya air terjun dan juga perbukitan, singgah di Baubau Anda wajib untuk mengunjungi Gua Kaisabu. Gua Kaisabu sendiri adalah Gua Karst yang keberadaannya memang menarik perhatian. Destinasi wisata Baubau ini memang bukanlah destinasi baru. Tetapi masih sangat hits, bahkan menjadi tujuan yang tak boleh dilewatkan.

Untuk melihat pesonanya, pengunjung harus memanjat tebing dengan medan cukup terjal. Sangat cocok untuk Anda yang memang menyukai tantang dan berpetualang. Semua lelah akan dibabat habis begitu Anda tiba di mulut gua. Ornamen atas gua begitu menawan yang pastinya unik dan membuat siapapun terkesan. Pahatan alam ini akan membuat Anda berdecak kagum.

Harga Tiket: Rp 10.000; Map: Cek Lokasi
Alamat: Kaisabu, Kec. Sorawolio, Kab. Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara.

10. Pemandian Kelapa Gading Ngkaring Ngkaring

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

Image Credit: @agus.muliady.355

Selain bisa mandi di wisata alamnya, Anda juga bisa singgah di Pemandian Kelapa Gading Ngkaring Ngkaring saat ada di Baubau. Kolam renang yang dikelola oleh warga sekitar ini memiliki nuansa yang begitu khas dari Pulau Dewata. Karena memang kawasannya menjadi transmigrasi penduduk asal Bali. Di pinggir jalan, Anda juga bisa menemukan pura.

Kolam renang ini dikelilingi dengan alam hijau yang masih terjaga keindahannya. Anda bisa menjadikan pemandian ini sebagai tempat untuk relaksasi. Anda bisa berenang dengan bebas sembari bersantai menikmati udara segarnya. Lokasinya cukup mudah dijangkau, jaraknya hanya berkisar 15 KM dari pusat kota Baubau dengan kendaraan bermotor.

Harga Tiket: Rp 10.000; Map: Cek Lokasi
Alamat: Desa Ngkaring-ngkaring, Kec. Bungi, Kab. Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara.

11. Pantai Nirwana

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

Image Credit: Google Maps (Fajar Syarif)

Menginjakkan kaki di Baubau tidak lengkap rasanya jika tidak menjelajah wisata baharinya. Anda bisa menjadikan Pantai Nirwana sebagai tujuan. Pantai ini merupakan wisata hits di Malang yang tak boleh dilewatkan. Pasir putih lembut dengan air laut yang jernih akan menyambut Anda. Anda bisa berenang, diving atau melakukan aktivitas seru lainnya di pantai ini.

Harga Tiket: Rp 2.000; Map: Cek Lokasi
Alamat: Sula, Kec. Betoambari, Kab. Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara.

12. Pantai Lakeba

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

Image Credit: Google Maps (Kasra J. Murana)

Pantai yang tak kalah indah selanjutnya adalah Pantai Lakeba. Pantai ini juga dikaruniai dengan pasir putih dan air jernih. Menjadi wisata yang kondang, fasilitas yang tersedia sudah sangat memadai. Mengunjungi pantai ini, Anda bisa melakukan banyak hal mulai dari berenang, bersantai hingga menjajal wahana yang menantang adrenalin seperti banana boat.

Harga Tiket: Rp 2.000; Map: Cek Lokasi
Alamat: Katobengke, Kec. Betoambari, Kota Bau-Bau, Sulawesi Tenggara.

13. Pantai Kamali

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

Image Credit: Google Maps (Fidin Idin)

Wisata andalan Baubau yang tak kalah menarik selanjutnya adalah pantai Kamali. Pantai ini lokasinya di tengah kota, sehingga wajar jika menjadi wisata yang begitu hits. Pemandangan pantai yang dihadirkan juga sangat menawan. Pengunjung juga akan menemukan Patung Kepala Naga yang menjadi patung ikonik di Baubau. Wajib berburu foto cantik saat di pantai Kamali.

Harga Tiket: Rp 10.000; Map: CekLokasi
Alamat: Jl. Mayjend. Sutoyo, Wale, Kec. Wolio, Kota Bau-Bau, Sulawesi Tenggara.

14. Pantai Kolagana

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

Image Credit: @CNonlin

Jika Anda mencari wisata bahari dengan pemandangan bawah laut jempolan, Pantai Kolagana wajib jadi tujuan. Tempat ini terkenal sebagai lokasi favorit untuk aktivitas diving. Anda bisa menyapa biota laut yang ada dengan mengunjungi tempat satu ini. Laut biru dengan perbukitan sebagai latar belakang menjadikan pantai Kolagana begitu menawan.

Harga Tiket: 10.000; Map: Cek Lokasi
Alamat: Palabusa, Kec. Bungi, Kota Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara.

15. Batu Sori

top 15+ tempat wisata di baubau terbaru, terindah & paling hits

Image Credit: Google Maps (Farhan Hidayat)

Destinasi yang hits di kalangan masyarakat adalah Batu Sori. Batu Sori sangat mudah dijangkau, butuh 30 menit saja dari pusat kota. Anda bisa menemukan panorama bahari biru yang indah. Anda juga bisa berburu spot instagramable, salah satunya jembatan yang menjorok ke laut.

Harga Tiket: -; Map: Cek Lokasi
Alamat: Jl. Kolagana, Palabusa, Kec. Bungi, Kota Bau-Bau, Sulawesi Tenggara.

Itulah beberapa tempat wisata populer di Baubau yang bisa Anda jadikan tujuan berlibur. Memiliki panorama yang indah dan alam yang masih terjaga, destinasi di Baubau memang didominasi oleh berbagai wisata alam. Mengunjungi salah satu diantaranya dijamin akan memberikan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan.

Top Best Jam Brands in the UK

1. Wilkin & Sons Tiptree, 2. Bonne Maman, 3. Mackays, 4. Thursday Cottage, 5. Cottage Delight, 6. Duerr's, 7. St. Dalfour. There are several popular jam brands in the UK known for their high-quality products. Here are some of the best jam brands in the UK.

Category: Brands Top List UK


  1. Wilkin & Sons Tiptree
  2. Bonne Maman
  3. Mackays
  4. Thursday Cottage
  5. Cottage Delight
  6. Duerr’s
  7. St. Dalfour

Wilkin & Sons Tiptree

Wilkin & Sons Tiptree is a prestigious jam producer based in Essex, England, with a rich heritage that dates back to 1885. The company takes great pride in its commitment to crafting exceptional jams using traditional methods and high-quality ingredients.

One of the distinguishing features of Wilkin & Sons Tiptree is their dedication to using only the finest fruits. They carefully select ripe, hand-picked fruits, often sourced from their own farms or local growers, to ensure the highest quality. This attention to detail and the use of premium ingredients contribute to the exceptional flavor and texture of their jams.

Tiptree offers a diverse range of jams, catering to various tastes and preferences. Their classic flavors include strawberry, raspberry, and blackcurrant, all made with the utmost care to preserve the natural sweetness and fruitiness. In addition to these timeless favorites, Tiptree also offers a selection of unique and innovative flavors, such as Little Scarlet strawberry, apricot, orange marmalade, and more.

Another notable aspect of Wilkin & Sons Tiptree is their commitment to traditional production methods. They still use traditional copper pans for small-batch cooking, which allows for precise temperature control and helps to preserve the vibrant colors and natural flavors of the fruits. This traditional approach, combined with their expertise and attention to detail, ensures that each jar of Tiptree jam is of the highest quality.

Founded: 1885

Headquarters: Brook Rd, Tiptree, Colchester CO5 0RF, UK




top best jam brands in the uk

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top best jam brands in the uk

Bonne Maman

Bonne Maman is a beloved jam brand that originated in France and has gained immense popularity worldwide, including in the UK. The name “Bonne Maman” translates to “good mother” in English, evoking a sense of warmth and homemade goodness. The brand is known for its signature iconic jar with a gingham-patterned lid, which has become synonymous with quality and tradition.

What sets Bonne Maman apart is its commitment to using simple, natural ingredients to create their delicious fruit preserves. They pride themselves on their authentic recipes that capture the essence of ripe, seasonal fruits. Bonne Maman jams are made with a minimum of 50% fruit, giving them a rich, fruity flavor that truly stands out.

One of the reasons for Bonne Maman’s success is the exceptional quality of the fruits they select. They source their ingredients from various regions across France and other parts of the world, ensuring the best flavors and textures. Whether it’s strawberries, raspberries, apricots, or other fruits, Bonne Maman strives to capture their natural sweetness and vibrant taste in every jar.

Bonne Maman offers a wide range of flavors to suit every preference. From classic favorites like strawberry, raspberry, and apricot to more unique combinations like fig and ginger or blueberry and lavender, there is something for everyone. The jams have a smooth, spreadable consistency and are perfect for spreading on toast, croissants, scones, or incorporating into various recipes.

In addition to their fruit preserves, Bonne Maman also produces other delectable treats like marmalades, compotes, and spreads. Their dedication to quality and tradition has made them a staple in many households, and their products are often enjoyed as part of a traditional British breakfast or afternoon tea.

Founded: 1971

Headquarters: Rye, 555 Theodore Fremd Ave suite c – 306, United States




top best jam brands in the uk

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top best jam brands in the uk


Mackays is a renowned jam brand that originated in Scotland and has been producing high-quality preserves since 1938. The company’s commitment to traditional methods and the use of Scottish berries and fruits has earned them a loyal following.

Mackays takes pride in sourcing the finest ingredients, with a focus on locally grown fruits. They work closely with Scottish farmers to ensure the highest quality produce, resulting in jams that are bursting with the authentic flavors of the region. From raspberries and strawberries to blackcurrants and Seville oranges, Mackays carefully selects the best fruits to create their delicious preserves.

One of the distinguishing factors of Mackays is their dedication to traditional manufacturing techniques. They use copper pans to cook small batches of fruit, which allows for precise control of the cooking process and helps retain the natural flavors and colors of the fruits. This attention to detail and craftsmanship is evident in the exceptional taste and texture of their jams.

Mackays offers a wide range of flavors to cater to different preferences. From classic strawberry and raspberry jams to more unique options like rhubarb and ginger or blackcurrant and blueberry, there is a jam to suit every taste. They also produce a variety of marmalades, including the famous Dundee Marmalade, which is made with Seville oranges and has a tangy, bittersweet flavor.

Founded: 1996

Headquarters: unit 4 James Chalmers Rd, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 3LR, United Kingdom




top best jam brands in the uk

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top best jam brands in the uk

Thursday Cottage

Thursday Cottage is a renowned jam brand that prides itself on producing artisanal and handmade preserves. Established in 1963 in the village of Trewlands, England, Thursday Cottage has become synonymous with high-quality, traditional jams and preserves.

What sets Thursday Cottage apart is their commitment to using natural ingredients and traditional cooking methods. They source the finest fruits, often hand-picking them at their peak of ripeness to ensure maximum flavor. The fruits are then cooked in small batches using open copper pans, which allows for precise control of the cooking process and helps to preserve the natural colors and flavors of the fruits.

Thursday Cottage offers a wide range of delicious flavors, including classic options like strawberry, raspberry, and blackcurrant. In addition to their traditional fruit jams, they also create unique and innovative combinations that tantalize the taste buds. Some examples include Raspberry & Loganberry, Strawberry & Champagne, and Blackcurrant & Sloe Gin. These creative flavor combinations add a touch of excitement to their product lineup.

The brand’s commitment to quality is evident in every jar of Thursday Cottage jam. The preserves have a rich, fruity taste and a smooth, spreadable texture, making them perfect for spreading on toast, scones, or using in various recipes.

Thursday Cottage takes pride in its traditional and handmade approach, and their attention to detail extends to their packaging. Each jar is carefully labeled and sealed, showcasing the brand’s rustic charm and commitment to craftsmanship.

Founded: 1963

Headquarters: Factory Hill, Tiptree, Colchester CO5 0RF, UK




top best jam brands in the uk

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top best jam brands in the uk

Cottage Delight

Cottage Delight is a well-established and highly regarded brand known for its artisanal jams, preserves, and condiments. The company was founded in 1974 in the Staffordshire Moorlands of England and has since gained a reputation for producing high-quality, delicious products.

Cottage Delight takes pride in using traditional methods and sourcing the finest ingredients to create their range of delectable offerings. They believe in the importance of preserving the authentic flavors and textures of their ingredients, and this dedication is reflected in the exceptional taste of their products.

One of the highlights of Cottage Delight’s range is their artisanal jams and preserves. They offer a wide variety of flavors, ranging from classic fruit jams like strawberry or raspberry to unique combinations like Apricot & Ginger or Lemon Curd with Gin. Each jar is carefully crafted to capture the essence of the ingredients and create a truly delightful taste experience.

In addition to their jams, Cottage Delight also produces a range of other condiments and spreads. From savory sauces, chutneys, and pickles to indulgent sweet treats like fudge and honey, they have something to satisfy every palate. Their products are often made in small batches to ensure quality and consistency.

Founded: 1974

Headquarters: Brooklands Way, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7QF, United Kingdom




top best jam brands in the uk

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top best jam brands in the uk


Duerr’s is a well-respected and long-standing jam brand with a rich history dating back to 1881. Based in Manchester, England, Duerr’s has been producing high-quality jams, marmalades, and preserves for over a century.

What sets Duerr’s apart is their commitment to using traditional recipes and the finest ingredients to create their delicious products. They believe in preserving the authentic flavors of fruits and capturing the essence of each ingredient they use.

Duerr’s offers a wide range of jams and marmalades, covering classic flavors like strawberry, raspberry, and blackcurrant, as well as more unique options such as ginger preserve or thick-cut orange marmalade. Their jams are made with generous amounts of fruit, ensuring a rich and vibrant taste that’s loved by consumers.

In addition to their traditional fruit preserves, Duerr’s also produces a variety of other spreads and condiments. Their range includes products like peanut butter, honey, lemon curd, and chutneys, providing a diverse selection to suit different tastes and preferences.

Duerr’s has a strong focus on quality and craftsmanship. They follow traditional manufacturing methods, such as slow-cooking their jams in open copper pans to achieve the perfect consistency and depth of flavor. This attention to detail is evident in the superior taste and texture of their products.

Founded: 1881

Headquarters: Wythenshawe, UK




top best jam brands in the uk

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top best jam brands in the uk

St. Dalfour

St. Dalfour is a well-known brand that specializes in producing premium fruit spreads, including jams, jellies, and fruit conserves. The company was founded in France in 1984 and has since gained popularity worldwide, including in the UK.

What sets St. Dalfour apart is its commitment to using 100% natural ingredients and a unique cooking process. They pride themselves on creating fruit spreads without the use of added sugars or artificial preservatives, allowing the natural flavors of the fruits to shine through.

St. Dalfour offers a wide range of fruit spreads, including classic flavors like strawberry, raspberry, and apricot, as well as more unique options such as black cherry and fig. They use carefully selected fruits that are picked at their peak of ripeness to ensure optimal flavor and quality.

The brand’s cooking process involves using vacuum-sealed stainless steel pans, which allows the fruits to cook at lower temperatures, preserving their natural colors and flavors. This gentle cooking method helps retain the fresh taste and vibrant appearance of the fruits.

Founded: 1984

Headquarters: 175 S.w. 7th St Ste 1210, Miami, Florida, 33130, United States




top best jam brands in the uk

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top best jam brands in the uk

Tag: Brands Top List UK

Top Best Natural Skincare Brands in the UK

1. The Body Shop, 2. Liz Earle, 3. Tropic Skincare, 4. Neal’s Yard Remedies, 5. REN Clean Skincare, 6. Upcircle, 7. Evolve Organic Beauty, 8. Odylique, 9. Bloomtown, 10. Nathalie Bond, 11. Awake Organics, 12. Conscious Skincare. In recent years, the United Kingdom has become a hotbed for innovative and eco-conscious beauty brands, offering an array of natural skincare options. From organic moisturizers to soothing serums, the UK boasts some of the best natural skincare brands that cater to the needs of discerning consumers. In this article, Toplist has listed some natural skincare brands in the UK that you can refer to.

Category: Brands Car Top List UK


  1. The Body Shop
  2. Liz Earle
  3. Tropic Skincare
  4. Neal’s Yard Remedies
  5. REN Clean Skincare
  6. Upcircle
  7. Evolve Organic Beauty
  8. Odylique
  9. Bloomtown
  10. Nathalie Bond
  11. Awake Organics
  12. Conscious Skincare

The Body Shop

The Body Shop is a renowned brand that has gained recognition over the years for its commitment to creating ethical and sustainable skincare products. With a focus on using natural ingredients, they have managed to combine effectiveness with responsible sourcing.

The brand’s skincare range offers a wide variety of products to address various skin concerns. Whether you have dry skin, oily skin, or simply want to maintain a healthy complexion, The Body Shop has something to suit your needs. From cleansers and toners to moisturizers and serums, each product is designed to provide optimal results.

What sets The Body Shop apart is its dedication to protecting the environment and supporting fair trade. They partner with communities around the world to source ingredients, ensuring fair wages and sustainable practices. By purchasing from this brand, you not only care for your skin but also contribute to a greater cause.

In summary, The Body Shop stands out as a brand that offers effective skincare solutions while maintaining its commitment to ethical and sustainable practices. Their products are not only beneficial for your skin but also for the planet.


  • Founded: 1976
  • Headquarters: London Bridge, London, U.K.
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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

Liz Earle

Liz Earle is a trusted brand in the world of skincare, offering a range of high-quality products that are known to deliver exceptional results. Their are a mission to create natural, effective, and sustainable products, Liz Earle has gained a loyal following of skincare enthusiasts.

Liz Earle incorporates botanical extracts and essential oils into their formulations, harnessing the power of nature to nourish and rejuvenate the skin. Their products are free from harsh chemicals, parabens, and synthetic fragrances, making them suitable for even the most sensitive skin.

From cleansers and toners to moisturizers and serums, Liz Earle offers a comprehensive skincare range that caters to various skin concerns. The brand’s iconic Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser is a cult favorite, loved for its ability to cleanse the skin deeply and gently exfoliate, leaving it feeling smooth and revitalized.

In addition to their commitment to natural ingredients, Liz Earle is also dedicated to sustainability. Their packaging is made from recycled materials, and they promote the use of recyclable materials in their products.

Overall, Liz Earle is a brand that prioritizes the well-being of both your skin and the environment. With their effective and natural formulations, along with their sustainable practices, Liz Earle offers a skincare routine that you can feel good about.

  • Founded: 1995
  • Headquarters: Ryde, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom
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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

Tropic Skincare

Tropic Skincare is a wonderful brand that focuses on creating high-quality, natural skincare products. They are committed to sustainability and ethical practices, Tropic offers a range of products that are not only beneficial for your skin but also for the planet.

Their products are formulated with powerful botanical actives, such as nourishing oils, soothing botanical extracts, and antioxidants, which work together to rejuvenate and maintain healthy skin. From cleansers and moisturizers to serums and masks, Tropic has a wide variety of products to suit different skin types and concerns. All their products are cruelty-free and vegan, ensuring that no animals are harmed in the process. The brand also prioritizes minimal packaging, using recyclable and biodegradable materials wherever possible.

If you are looking to refresh your skincare routine or switch to a more sustainable brand, Tropic Skincare is definitely worth considering. With its natural ingredients, ethical practices, and commitment to the planet, Tropic offers an affordable and effective option for anyone seeking a healthier approach to skincare.

  • Founded: 2011
  • Headquarters: Surrey, England
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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

Neal’s Yard Remedies

Neal’s Yard Remedies is a leading provider of organic and natural skincare products that are not only effective but also sustainable. With a heritage dating back to 1981, this brand has been a pioneer in promoting holistic wellness and the use of ethically sourced ingredients.

Their skincare range focuses on harnessing the power of botanicals and essential oils to promote healthy and radiant skin. From cleansers and toners to moisturizers and serums, Neal’s Yard Remedies offers a comprehensive collection of products for all skin types and concerns.

One of their flagship products is the Wild Rose Beauty Balm, a multitasking balm that nourishes, revitalizes, and deeply cleanses the skin. Infused with the goodness of rosehip seed oil and rose geranium essential oil, it helps to improve the skin’s texture and restore its natural radiance. They use recyclable packaging, support fair trade initiatives, and are certified carbon neutral. By choosing their skincare products, you not only care for your skin but also contribute to a healthier planet.

In conclusion, Neal’s Yard Remedies provides a range of organic and natural skin care products that prioritize the health of your skin and the environment. With their effective formulations and sustainable practices, they are leading the charge in the beauty industry towards a more conscious and eco-friendly approach to skincare.

  • Founded: 1981
  • Headquarters: Gillingham, Dorset, United Kingdom
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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

REN Clean Skincare

REN Skincare is a well-known brand committed to creating clean, sustainable, and effective skincare products. The brand uses only 100% plant and mineral-derived ingredients, and its products deliver visible results without harmful ingredients or unnecessary packaging.

They strive to reduce waste and carbon emissions, using recyclable and locally sourced materials whenever possible. The brand also supports environmental initiatives and is certified cruelty-free. REN Skincare offers a wide range of products tailored to different skincare needs. Whether you are looking for hydrating moisturizers, gentle cleansers, or potent serums, their range caters to various concerns like hydration, radiance, and anti-aging.

REN Skincare’s commitment to clean and sustainable beauty makes it an excellent choice for those seeking effective skincare without compromising on ethics. With their high-quality formulations and focus on sustainability, Ren Skincare is a brand that truly cares for both your skin and the environment.

  • Founded: 2000
  • Headquarters: Old Marylebone Road, London
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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

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top best natural skincare brands in the uk


UpCircle is a pioneering skincare brand that champions ethical and sustainable practices while delivering effective results. Committed to creating high-quality products, they take a unique approach by using repurposed natural ingredients that would otherwise go to waste. Their innovative formulations are crafted from coffee grounds, fruit stones, and chai spices, among other upcycled ingredients.

With a focus on sustainability, UpCircle ensures that their packaging is 100% recyclable and they strive to minimize waste throughout their production process. Cruelty-free and vegan, their products are suitable for individuals seeking conscious choices without compromising on performance.

From their exfoliating coffee scrubs to rejuvenating face serums, UpCircle offers a range of skincare essentials that leave you with radiant, healthier-looking skin. Their dedication to sustainability and eco-friendly practices sets them apart, making UpCircle a brand that not only cares for your skin but also for the planet we all call home.

  • Founded: 2016
  • Headquarters: London, Greater London, UK
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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

Evolve Organic Beauty

Evolve Organic Beauty, a UK-based brand is dedicated to providing natural and organic skincare products that deliver exceptional results. Each product is carefully crafted with pure, plant-based ingredients to enhance your skin’s natural radiance.

Their products are free from synthetic fragrances, parabens, and other harmful chemicals, making them suitable for even the most sensitive skin types. From facial cleansers and moisturizers to serums and masks, Evolve Organic Beauty offers a comprehensive range of skincare solutions to address various concerns.

Harnessing the power of nature, Evolve Organic Beauty incorporates ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, rosehip oil, and cocoa seed butter to provide intense hydration, nourishment, and protection. Their innovative formulations work synergistically with your skin, promoting a healthy complexion that glows from within.

As an eco-conscious brand, Evolve Organic Beauty also prioritizes sustainable packaging, choosing recycled materials whenever possible. This commitment extends to their manufacturing processes, which focus on minimizing waste and reducing their carbon footprint. If you’re looking to improve your skincare routine or switch to a more mindful and sustainable brand, Evolve Organic Beauty is an excellent choice.

  • Founded: 2009
  • Headquarters: 5 Handley Page Way, London, United Kingdom
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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

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top best natural skincare brands in the uk


ODIlique is a prominent brand that offers exceptional skincare products. Their wide range of products includes cleansers, moisturizers, serums, and treatments, all carefully crafted to nurture and enhance the skin’s natural beauty.

Odylique’s range of skincare products is crafted with love and care, ensuring that our skin receives nothing but the best. From their gentle cleansers to their luxurious moisturizers, each product is carefully formulated to cater to the needs of all skin types, even the most sensitive.

What truly sets Odylique apart is its dedication to transparency and sustainability. Each product is certified organic, ensuring that no harmful chemicals or synthetic fragrances are ever used. Moreover, the brand’s packaging is eco-friendly and made from recycled materials, minimizing the impact on our beautiful planet.

With Odylique, experiencing pure and nourished skin is no longer a dream but a reality. Every drop of their skincare range is a testament to their passion for natural beauty. So, indulge in the goodness of Odylique and embrace a truly authentic and holistic skincare routine today.

  • Founded: 2003
  • Headquarters: Edmunds, Suffolk, UK
  • Website:
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top best natural skincare brands in the uk


Bloomtown is a brand that is revolutionizing the skincare industry with its range of natural and ethical products. They are attention to sustainability and social responsibility, Bloomtown is committed to creating high-quality skincare that is good for both the consumer and the environment.

One of the standout features of Bloomtown’s skincare range is its use of natural ingredients. They carefully select botanicals and essential oils to create products that are not only effective but also gentle on the skin. Their products are free from harsh chemicals, synthetic fragrances, and palm oil, making them suitable for even the most sensitive skin.

In addition to their commitment to natural ingredients, Bloomtown also prioritizes ethical sourcing. They work with ethical suppliers and ensure fair trade practices, supporting local communities and promoting sustainable livelihoods. This commitment extends to their packaging as well, with their products being packaged in recyclable or biodegradable materials. Their skincare range offers a guilt-free indulgence that leaves your skin looking and feeling beautiful.

  • Founded: 2016
  • Headquarters: Falmouth, United Kingdom
  • Website:
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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

Nathalie Bond

Nathalie Bond is a reputable brand that offers a wide range of skincare products designed to nourish and revitalize your skin. This UK-based brand focuses on creating handmade, organic, and natural skincare solutions that are both effective and gentle.

With an ethos rooted in simplicity and sustainability, Nathalie Bond’s skincare range is free from harmful chemicals, parabens, and synthetic fragrances. Instead, they harness the power of natural ingredients like plant oils, botanical extracts, and essential oils to create luxurious products that leave your skin feeling healthy and rejuvenated.

From their cleansers and toners to their serums and moisturizers, Nathalie Bond’s skincare line caters to different skin types and concerns. Whether you have dry, sensitive, or mature skin, their products are carefully formulated to deliver hydration, balance, and radiance.

If you’re looking to switch to a more natural and eco-friendly skincare routine, Nathalie Bond is a brand worth exploring. Their commitment to quality, sustainability, and effective results makes them a trusted choice for healthier skin.

  • Founded: 2013
  • Headquarters: 12 Penrhyn Road, Colwyn Bay, UK
  • Website:
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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

Awake Organics

Awake Organics is a brand that offers a range of high-quality skincare products, dedicated to providing effective and natural solutions for healthy skin. With a deep understanding of the power of nature, Awake Organics combines science and plant-based ingredients to create truly transformative skincare formulas.

The key aspect that sets Awake Organics apart is its commitment to using only pure, organic, and ethically sourced ingredients. This ensures that their products are not only effective but also gentle and safe for the skin. The brand believes in the healing power of plants and incorporates them into their formulations to address various skin concerns such as dryness, acne, and aging.

Each product in the Awake Organics range is carefully crafted with a focus on achieving optimal results without compromising on purity. From cleansers and serums to moisturizers and masks, their skincare collection offers a complete regime for achieving healthy, radiant skin.

Whether you are a skincare enthusiast or someone looking to switch to natural and organic products, Awake Organics offers a trustworthy and effective solution. Embrace the power of nature and let Awake Organics transform your skincare routine.

  • Founded: 2018
  • Headquarters: Northampton, Northamptonshire, UK
  • Website:
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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

Conscious Skincare

Conscious Skincare is a brand that stands out in the world of skincare for its commitment to producing natural and organic products. With a mission to provide effective skincare solutions without compromising on ethical and sustainable standards, Conscious Skincare offers a range of products that are not only beneficial for your skin but also for the environment.

Using high-quality ingredients such as pure essential oils, botanical extracts, and plant-based oils, Conscious Skincare creates products that are gentle yet effective in nourishing and rejuvenating the skin. From cleansers and moisturizers to serums and masks, each product is carefully formulated to address specific skincare concerns while promoting overall well-being.

Packaging materials are sourced responsibly, using recycled or recyclable materials wherever possible. By supporting this brand, you are not only caring for your skin but also making a positive impact on the environment. If you value organic, natural, and sustainable skincare, Conscious Skincare is a brand worth exploring. Experience the difference of products that deliver results while respecting your health and the planet.

  • Founded: 2013
  • Headquarters: West Wales, UK
  • Website:
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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

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top best natural skincare brands in the uk

Tag: Brands Car Top List UK

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