Top Best Foods That Help Acid Reflux

Reflux symptoms might be brought on by stomach acid touching the esophagus and causing discomfort or pain. If your stomach has too much acid, you can add these specific foods to your diet to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. So, let's find out the best foods that help acid reflux in this article with Toplist!

Category: Food Foods Top List


  1. Oatmeal
  2. Leafy greens
  3. Milk or yogurt
  4. Apple cider vinegar
  5. Melon
  6. Root vegetables
  7. Non-starchy vegetables
  8. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  9. Fennel
  10. Aloe vera juice


For many years, whole-grain oatmeal has been a popular breakfast option. It has a lot of fiber, which keeps you full and promotes regular bowel movements. Oats also neutralized stomach acid and reduce gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms (GERD).

Because oatmeal is a whole grain, it has a lot of fiber. Fiber makes you feel full so it’s difficult to overeat fiber-rich foods, and you typically only need a little amount to satisfy your hunger. Overeating might cause acid reflux so it’s necessary to consume more satisfying, high-fiber foods. Overeating at mealtime leads your stomach to expand beyond its natural limits and creates extra pressure that can push food and acid back up into your esophagus. Top your oatmeal with bananas, apples, or pears for a sweet treat.

top best foods that help acid reflux


top best foods that help acid reflux

Leafy greens

Vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet, and some may be better for GERD than others. You might be able to protect yourself against the burning of stomach acid by consuming more leafy greens. Natural sources of low fat and sugar, green leafy vegetables help in lowering acidity in the stomach.

High alkaline food including spinach, broccoli, kale, asparagus, and Brussels sprouts are healthy for the gut and provide relief from acid reflux. Although leafy greens are a good source of fiber, they are also quite high in water. Foods high in water content help in the neutralization of stomach acid, making it less likely to creep back up and cause discomfort. Enjoy leafy greens as a healthy side dish or add them to fresh salads, stir-fries, and soups.

top best foods that help acid reflux

Leafy greens

top best foods that help acid reflux

Milk or yogurt

“One of the reasons we’re symptomatic with acid reflux is because it causes damage to the lining of the esophagus”, says Nipaporn Pichetshote, M.D., a gastroenterology specialist in Los Angeles affiliated with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. “Milk and yogurt coat the esophagus so you don’t feel that acid irritating that lining”.

Reaching for a serving of dairy when your acid reflux flares up may help ease the burning and calm your stomach. For quick relief from heartburn, scientists have discovered that milk acts as an antacid and helps neutralize stomach acid. Low-fat milk and yogurt are better options than high-fat ones since they speed up digestion and lessen acid reflux. Sugary foods can also make you feel worse, so avoid flavored dairy products that typically have a lot of added sugar and choose instead for plain milk and yogurt.

top best foods that help acid reflux

Milk or yogurt

top best foods that help acid reflux

Apple cider vinegar

The symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), such as acid reflux, heartburn, and other symptoms, can be successfully treated at home using a variety of natural therapies. And one of the most well-liked home remedies for acid reflux and heartburn is apple cider vinegar, a fermented vinegar made from crushed apples.

Although apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a classic treatment for heartburn, there is no scientific proof to show how taking ACV on a regular basis improves digestive health. Some people claim that apple cider vinegar can relieve the symptoms of GERD. If you decide to give it a shot, start out with one teaspoon of ACV every day, and be sure to mix the vinegar with water before drinking. Try adding a little honey if the flavor is unpleasant.

top best foods that help acid reflux

Apple cider vinegar

top best foods that help acid reflux


Melons have a high water content, including watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe. More melon can help you stay hydrated and reduce stomach acid. It’s a low-acid fruit that won’t trigger your symptoms.

With a pH of 6.1, they are moderately acidic foods that can help with acid reflux. Melons are also rich in magnesium, which helps to reduce acid reflux by neutralizing the stomach’s acid secretion. Increasing your intake of alkaline foods can also help in balancing out an overly acidic stomach environment. Melon may be used to make fruit salads, smoothies, salads, or the refreshing Central American drink agua fresca by blending it with water and chia seeds.

top best foods that help acid reflux


top best foods that help acid reflux

Root vegetables

Sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, and parsnips are examples of root vegetables. Another great source of fiber is root vegetables. They also include a variety of antioxidants, which are good for your health overall.

Most root vegetables can be roasted, mashed, or added to soups, salads, stews, and stir-fry dishes. Onions, tomatoes and peppers are a part of the root vegetable family as well, but you should avoid eating them to help with acid reflux. They can boost acidity in the stomach and exacerbate reflux symptoms. Recommended vegetables include all root vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, and carrots. Other great vegetables include mushrooms, fennel, and celery.

top best foods that help acid reflux

Root vegetables

top best foods that help acid reflux

Non-starchy vegetables

Non-starchy vegetables would be any vegetables that aren’t considered to be root vegetables or leafy greens. This contains radishes, mushrooms, asparagus, bell peppers, celery, cucumber, and more.

Water and fiber in non-starchy vegetables can help reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. Most vegetables have a pH that is alkaline and are simple to digest. You might want to limit cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts because some people get gassy from eating. Choose fresh, frozen and canned vegetables and vegetable juices without added sodium, fat or sugar. Eat three to five servings of vegetables daily to maintain excellent health. More is preferable; this is the minimum needed!

top best foods that help acid reflux

Non-starchy vegetables

top best foods that help acid reflux

Boneless, skinless chicken breasts

Due to its low-fat content and high protein content, the chicken breast is one of the most nutritious parts of a healthy diet. Since the skin contains most of the chicken’s fat, chicken breasts are typically sold skinless and boneless.

Chicken breasts that are boneless and skinless are a great source of lean protein that are simple to digest and don’t upset the stomach. You might feel more full between meals by including a lean protein, such as chicken breast. You’ll feel even more full if you combine protein with a source of fiber, such as vegetables or whole grains. Use a low-fat cooking technique, such as baking, grilling, steaming, or sautéing, to prepare chicken breasts to maintain their leanness. Other lean protein options include turkey breast, shellfish, tofu, and eggs if you become sick of eating chicken.

top best foods that help acid reflux

Boneless, skinless chicken breasts

top best foods that help acid reflux


Fennel has substantial digestive health advantages that make it worth mentioning on its own. For many years, conventional medical practices have used fennel to treat digestive issues.

It is low in acid and has a mild licorice flavor, which might help calm an upset stomach that can be a cause or symptom of GERD. You can either directly chew a few fennel seeds or soak them in a little water and then drink up water for relief from acidity and heartburn. Or you may slice it raw and add it to a salad, sauté it as a side dish, or roast it to serve as the main entrée. Fennel seeds might provide instant relief from reflux for some people. Fennel seeds can be eaten or steeped in hot water to make tea.

top best foods that help acid reflux


top best foods that help acid reflux

Aloe vera juice

The aloe plant has been used medicinally for centuries. Acid reflux disease increased stomach acidity, and inflammatory bowel disease are the main conditions that aloe vera juice is used to treat.

The ability of aloe vera juice to treat sunburns and heartburn is equivalent. To relieve the burn, sip a little of the juice 30 minutes before your meal. For the treatment of heartburn, only a fourth of a cup is required. The whole leaf, which contains the largest concentration of polysaccharides, the naturally occurring active component, is the ideal choice for making juice. Aloe vera juice is a popular and efficient at-home treatment for acid reflux.

top best foods that help acid reflux

Aloe vera juice

top best foods that help acid reflux

Tag: Food Foods Top List

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