Top Foods That Can Fight Sugar Cravings

1. Fruit, 2. Dark Chocolate, 3. Snack Bars, 4. Chia Seeds, 5. Sugar-Free Chewing Gum or Mints, 6. Legumes, 7. Yogurt, 8. Dates, 9. Sweet Potatoes, 10. Meat, Poultry and Fish. In fact, up to 97% of women and 68% of men report they sometimes have food cravings, including those for sweets. People who have a sugar craving have a strong desire to eat anything sweet, and they may struggle to control themselves when it comes to eating. This may result in binge eating or excessive calorie consumption. Fortunately, there are things you may take to lessen the difficulty. Here are some foods that might help you resist the urge to consume sugar.

Category: Food Foods Top List


  1. Fruit
  2. Dark Chocolate
  3. Snack Bars
  4. Chia Seeds
  5. Sugar-Free Chewing Gum or Mints
  6. Legumes
  7. Yogurt
  8. Dates
  9. Sweet Potatoes
  10. Meat, Poultry and Fish


Most people reach for high-fat, high-sugar foods like chocolate when they are desiring sugar. When you have a sugar craving, switching from junk food to fruit may provide you with the needed sweet hit and put an end to your urge.

Fruit is naturally sweet, but it also has a lot of fiber and other plant compounds, so you may satisfy your sweet need while being healthy. Consume fruits with a little more sugar, such as mangoes or grapes, to ensure that they will satisfy your craving. To make your fruit a more filling snack if you’re also hungry, consider mixing some yogurt into it. For example, berries are a delicious and healthy option for reducing sugar cravings. Despite having a sweet flavor, they have a low sugar level due to their high fiber content. Regularly eating berries may also help reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

top foods that can fight sugar cravings


top foods that can fight sugar cravings

Dark Chocolate

When people have a sweet tooth, one of the foods they most often eat is chocolate. This is especially true for women. But if you have a chocolate craving, dark chocolate is a better option in terms of health.

Dark chocolate is defined as chocolate with more than 70% cocoa content. There are many nutrients in dark chocolate that are good for your health. It also has polyphenols, which are beneficial plant components. According to some research, these polyphenols’ anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may help to improve heart health markers. To fulfill your hunger, it’s advisable to consume no more than a few squares of dark chocolate because it too includes sugar and fat.

top foods that can fight sugar cravings

Dark Chocolate

top foods that can fight sugar cravings

Snack Bars

Not all snack bars are healthy, and some include a lot of sugar and fat. However, there are some excellent, healthier choices available if you’re in the mood for a sweet treat.

Instead of using table sugar, try looking for a snack bar made with whole oats and sweetened with fresh or dried fruit. Additionally, be careful of bars that are high in so-called “healthy” sugars like honey, agave syrup, or coconut sugar. These are unhealthy since they still include added sugar. Whole foods have been used to make the greatest bars. Even though they are still sweet, they are likely to be richer in fiber and contain more healthy nutrients. As an alternative, you may consider making your own nutritious snack bar.

top foods that can fight sugar cravings

Snack Bars

top foods that can fight sugar cravings

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are a rich source of numerous essential nutrients, such as soluble dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and some beneficial plant compounds.

In fact, soluble fiber makes up around 40% of chia seeds. You may feel fuller for longer and have fewer sugar cravings if you consume this type of fiber, which easily absorbs water and swells to form a jelly-like substance in your stomach. Quercetin, an antioxidant found in chia seeds, can lower your risk of developing a number of chronic diseases, including heart disease. The seeds include a lot of fiber, which can lower high blood pressure and lower your risk of heart disease. Chia seeds may be used in a variety of dishes, so if you’re looking for something sweet, consider making a chia pudding.

top foods that can fight sugar cravings

Chia Seeds

top foods that can fight sugar cravings

Sugar-Free Chewing Gum or Mints

You may effectively manage your sugar cravings by chewing gum. Artificial sweeteners gum or mints have a sweet flavor but have few calories and no added sugar.

In fact, a lot of people use chewing gum to help them lose weight. Some say it helps in the management of cravings. For others, it keeps them from consuming junk food that is high in calories. Someone who regularly indulges in emotional eating or constantly feels the desire to snack may find it helpful to chew gum. Some studies have also shown that chewing gum may help manage cravings, hunger, and the consumption of carb-heavy foods later in the day. Chewing gum after meals is healthy for your teeth as well as helps you resist the need for sweets.

top foods that can fight sugar cravings

Sugar-Free Chewing Gum or Mints

top foods that can fight sugar cravings


Legumes like lentils, beans, and chickpeas are excellent plant-based sources of protein and fiber. In fact, 1 cup (198 grams) of lentils has 16 grams of fiber and almost 18 grams of protein. Legumes are low in fat, cholesterol-free, and abundant in folate, potassium, iron, and magnesium.

They include both soluble and insoluble fiber as well as healthy lipids. Because of a rich source of protein, they can substitute meat, which has higher fat and cholesterol, in a healthy way. These two nutrients may both increase feelings of fullness. Thus, consuming legumes regularly should potentially boost fullness and lessen sugar cravings brought on by hunger. According to a new review, eating lentils may help people lose weight. This could be partly because legumes have positive short-term effects on appetite.

top foods that can fight sugar cravings


top foods that can fight sugar cravings


A nutritious snack that is high in calcium and protein is yogurt. Yogurt may also be a healthy snack to help reduce your cravings and regulate your appetite, according to some research.

Yogurt is a nutrient-rich food that can improve your health if you eat it regularly. Additionally, it may lower the risk of some diseases while improving weight control and digestive health. In fact, compared to women of healthy weight who had a lower-protein snack or no snack at all, those who had a high-protein Greek yogurt snack in the afternoon felt less hungry and consumed less food later in the day. But be cautious to pick your yogurt intelligently. Yogurt without added sugar and with live cultures is the healthiest option.

top foods that can fight sugar cravings


top foods that can fight sugar cravings


Dates are the fruit of the date palm tree, which is cultivated in many tropical areas of the world. They are incredibly delicious and very nutrient-dense.

Dates have a sweet taste and are chewy. Most of the calories in dates come from carbs. A very small quantity of protein makes up the rest. They are an excellent source of fiber, potassium, iron, and healthy plant chemicals even if they have been dried. In addition to satisfying your sugar craving, eating a few dates can provide you with some important nutrients. For a sweet and crunchy treat, you may even consider combining them with nuts like almonds. However, keep in mind that dates are delicious; thus, limit yourself to one portion, or about three dates, at a time.

top foods that can fight sugar cravings


top foods that can fight sugar cravings

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are sweet, starchy root vegetables that are grown worldwide. They are abundant in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber and come in a variety of shapes and colors, including orange, white, and purple. They are simple to include in your diet and offer a lot of health advantages.

Sweet potatoes are filling, sweet, and packed with nutrients. They are mostly composed of carbohydrates, but they also include fiber, a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Some people have sugar cravings as a result of eating poorly during the day. By adding calories and making your meals more balanced while also satisfying your demand for sweetness, including a carb source like sweet potatoes in your meals will help you combat this.

top foods that can fight sugar cravings

Sweet Potatoes

top foods that can fight sugar cravings

Meat, Poultry and Fish

It may help to reduce sugar cravings to include a source of protein in your meals, such as meat, poultry, or fish. In fact, getting enough protein may be essential for managing your food intake, cravings, and weight if you’re attempting to lose weight.

In one study, participants who followed a weight-loss diet with 25% of their calories coming from protein had a 60% reduction in food cravings and a 50% reduction in the desire for late-night snacking. Make sure you include a source of protein like meat, poultry, or fish in your meals if you’re on a diet and having a lot of sugar cravings. Don’t worry if you’re a vegetarian; plant-based sources of protein can have the same effect.

top foods that can fight sugar cravings

Meat, Poultry and Fish

top foods that can fight sugar cravings

Tag: Food Foods Top List

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