Top Foods That Cause Bloating

1. Beans, 2. Lentils, 3. Wheat, 4. Onions, 5. Barley and Rye, 6. Dairy Products and Apples, 7. Garlic and Sugar Alcohols. Bloating occurs when your stomach becomes inflated or expanded after eating. It is commonly caused by gas or other digestive problems. Bloating is quite prevalent. About 16-30% of people report it happens on a regular basis. Although bloating might be a sign of a serious medical issue, it is typically the result of something in the diet. Here are the foods that can cause bloating.

Category: Food Foods Top List


  1. Beans
  2. Lentils
  3. Wheat
  4. Onions
  5. Barley and Rye
  6. Dairy Products and Apples
  7. Garlic and Sugar Alcohols


Beans are classified as a legume. They are strong in protein and healthful carbohydrates. Beans are also high in fiber and a variety of vitamins and minerals. However, most beans include sugars known as alpha-galactosides, which are part of a carbohydrate group known as FODMAPs. FODMAPs (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-, and polyols) are short-chain carbohydrates that escape digestion and are fermented in the colon by gut bacteria. This technique produces gas as a byproduct. FODMAPs should not create any difficulties in healthy people because they merely offer feed for the helpful gut flora.

However, another sort of gas is created during the fermentation process in those who have irritable bowel syndrome. This can result in severe discomfort, with symptoms such as bloating, gas, cramps, and diarrhea. Soaking and sprouting beans is an effective approach to minimizing FODMAPs in beans. Changing the soaking water numerous times may also be beneficial.

top foods that cause bloating


top foods that cause bloating


Lentils are legumes as well. They are high in protein, fiber, and nutritious carbohydrates, as well as minerals like iron, copper, and manganese. They might induce bloating in sensitive people due to their high fiber content. This is especially true for persons who are not accustomed to consuming a high-fiber diet.

Lentils, like beans, contain FODMAPs. These sugars may lead to bloating and excessive gas production. Soaking or spouting the lentils before eating them, on the other hand, can make them gentler in the digestive tract. Instead, try these foods: Light-colored lentils have less fiber than darker-colored lentils and may produce less bloating.

top foods that cause bloating


top foods that cause bloating


Wheat has been a source of contention in recent years, owing to the presence of a protein known as gluten. Despite the debate, wheat is still frequently consumed. Most bread, pasta, tortillas, and pizzas include it, as do baked products such as cakes, biscuits, pancakes, and waffles.

Wheat causes severe digestive difficulties in persons who have celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Bloating, gas, diarrhea, and stomach discomfort are all examples of symptoms. Wheat is also high in FODMAPs, which can cause digestive issues in many people. Pure oats, quinoa, buckwheat, almond flour, and coconut flour are all gluten-free alternatives to wheat.

top foods that cause bloating


top foods that cause bloating


Onions are subterranean bulbous vegetables with a distinct and powerful flavor. They are rarely eaten whole but are popular as side dishes, salads, and prepared dinners. Even though they are often consumed in tiny amounts, onions are one of the primary dietary sources of fructans. These fibers are soluble and can induce bloating.

Furthermore, some people are sensitive or intolerant to additional chemicals found in onions, particularly raw onions. As a result, onions are a well-known cause of bloating and other digestive problems. These digestive effects may be reduced if the onions are cooked.

top foods that cause bloating


top foods that cause bloating

Barley and Rye

Barley is a cereal grain that is widely consumed. It is particularly healthy because of its high fiber content and high levels of vitamins and minerals such as molybdenum, manganese, and selenium. Whole grain barley, due to its high fiber level, may produce bloating in people who are not used to ingesting a lot of fiber. In addition, barley contains gluten. Gluten intolerant persons may have issues as a result of this. Refined barley, such as pearl or scotch barley, may be better tolerated. Other grains or pseudocereals, such as oats, brown rice, quinoa, or buckwheat, can be substituted for barley.

Rye is a cereal grain similar to wheat. It is incredibly nutritious and high in fiber, manganese, phosphorus, copper, and B vitamins. However, rye includes gluten, a protein to which many people are allergic or intolerant. Rye may be a primary cause of bloating in sensitive people because of its high fiber and gluten content.

top foods that cause bloating

Barley and Rye

top foods that cause bloating

Dairy Products and Apples

Dairy is strong in nutrients and a good source of protein and calcium. Milk, cheese, cream cheese, yogurt, and butter are among the various dairy products available. However, around 75% of the world’s population is unable to digest lactose, a sugar contained in milk. Lactose intolerance is the medical term for this ailment. Dairy can cause serious stomach issues if you are lactose intolerant. Bloating, gas, cramps, and diarrhea are common symptoms.

Apples are one of the world’s most popular fruits. They include a lot of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants and have been linked to a variety of health advantages. Apples, on the other hand, have been linked to bloating and other digestive disorders in some people. Fructose (a FODMAP) and high fiber content are the reasons. Both fructose and fiber can be fermented in the large intestine, causing gas and bloating. Cooked apples may be more digestible than fresh ones.

top foods that cause bloating

Dairy Products and Apples

top foods that cause bloating

Garlic and Sugar Alcohols

Garlic is extremely popular as a flavor and a health cure. Garlic, like onions, contains fructans, which are FODMAPs that induce bloating. Other chemicals present in garlic are also commonly allergenic or intolerable, causing symptoms such as bloating, burping, and gas. Cooking garlic, on the other hand, may minimize these effects.

Sugar alcohols are sugar substitutes found in sugar-free meals and chewing gums. Xylitol, sorbitol, and mannitol are examples of common kinds. FODMAPs include sugar alcohols. They tend to create digestive issues since they pass through the large intestine intact, where gut bacteria feast on them. High sugar alcohol consumption may result in digestive difficulties such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

top foods that cause bloating

Garlic and Sugar Alcohols

top foods that cause bloating

Tag: Food Foods Top List

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