Top Things About Côte d'Ivoire You Should Know Before Travelling

1. Biggest Church, 2. Crime In Cote D'Ivoire, 3. Didier Drogba, 4. Habitat To Lush Mountain, 5. Peculiar Nickname Of The National Team, 6. Booming Tourism, 7. Largest Producer Of Cocoa, 8. Cote D’Ivoire Has Two Capitals, 9. The Official Language Of Cote D'Ivoire, 10. Cuisine of Côte d'Ivoire, 11. Le Fête Des Masques. Cote D'Ivoire, sometimes known as Ivory Coast, is one of the most popular tourist destinations on the African continent. While many visitors to the country have had both positive and negative experiences, it is crucial to know the positive aspects of the country. When you visit the country, this knowledge will help you better prepare, know where to go, and what to avoid. But first, verify the visa requirements for your nationality in Cote d'Ivoire. This article is about Cote D'Ivoire you should know before travelling.

Category: Top List Travel


  1. Biggest Church
  2. Crime In Cote D’Ivoire
  3. Didier Drogba
  4. Habitat To Lush Mountain
  5. Peculiar Nickname Of The National Team
  6. Booming Tourism
  7. Largest Producer Of Cocoa
  8. Cote D’Ivoire Has Two Capitals
  9. The Official Language Of Cote D’Ivoire
  10. Cuisine of Côte d’Ivoire
  11. Le Fête Des Masques

Biggest Church

The Basilica of Our Lady of Peace is a church in Cote D’Ivoire that you should learn about before going chevalier. This church, which is located in Yamoussoukro, Cote D’Ivoire’s capital, is the world’s largest. It is significantly larger than St. Peter’s Basilica. The outside area of the church is 30,000 square meters, and it was finished in 1990. This is one of the things about Côte d’Ivoire you should know before travelling.

A basilica is not the same thing as a cathedral. The Basilica of Our Lady of Peace is in the Diocese of Yamoussoukro; the Cathedral of Saint Augustine, less than 3 kilometers (2 miles) away, is the diocese’s main place of worship and seat of the bishop.

The design was inspired by the Vatican City siblings. It is designed in the baroque and Renaissance styles. The church has the capacity to hold around 17,000 attendees. Only a few hundred individuals regularly attend ordinary liturgies held at the basilica. The basilica is run by Polish Pallottines and costs US$1.5 million per year to maintain. It is, however, rarely filled. When visiting Cote D’Ivoire, that site should be on your list of places to see. Take a lot of pictures and share them to your loved ones when you get home. If you are a tourist or on holiday, you can worship in this church.

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

Crime In Cote D’Ivoire

The crime rate in Cote D’Ivoire is very high. This is one of the things about Côte d’Ivoire you should know before travelling. The jacking of buses and autos is a common type of crime. You may come across a variety of roadblocks and checkpoints. If there is anything you should avoid, it is a conflict with security forces such as the police. There are weapons such as firearms, knives, and grenades in circulation throughout the country, necessitating extreme caution when traveling there.

Armed robbery is a widespread crime in the United States, and it occurs frequently in restaurants and businesses.

Is traveling to Cote D’Ivoire safe? Traveling in the Ivory Coast is mostly safe if you stick to the travel guidelines and know where you’re going. It is recommended that you exercise caution, particularly when crossing the Houphouet-Boigny bridge. The De Gaulle Bridge in Abidjan is another bridge you should be careful when crossing. The reason for this is because many pedestrians have previously been victims of robbery and other types of crimes. These crimes are committed even in broad daylight. If you are out late at night in Abidjan, you are vulnerable to these attacks.

Credit card fraud or duping is common in this country, so keep your credit cards somewhere you can see them when shopping. Have all of your important documents photocopied before you travel to Cote D’Ivoire or arrive in the country. Visas, passports, and tickets are examples of documentation that should be duplicated. Avoid visiting Guiglo, the northern areas of Bouak, and Seguela towns if at all feasible. Before visiting Ivory Coast, you should get professional assistance. For inexperienced travelers, the country is not the best option.

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

Didier Drogba

Former Chelsea footballer Didier Drogba is from Cote D’Ivoire. He is the pride of the country and its most important son. Many people began to consider moving to his nation after seeing him play for Chelsea. Abidjan is where the professional striker and goal scorer was born. He has 104 caps for his country, scoring 65 goals in the process. Didier Drogba has been the captain of the national team since 2006. Both young footballers and the general public look up to him. He retired from football as the country’s leading goal scorer. He had constructed numerous amenities to improve the life of the people.

He is the Ivory Coast national team’s all-time leading scorer and former captain. He is best renowned for his stint with Chelsea, where he scored more goals than any other foreign player and is currently the club’s fourth all-time goal scorer. Chelsea fans chose Drogba to their team of the decade from 2010 to 2020. He won the award for African Footballer of the Year twice, in 2006 and 2009.

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

Habitat To Lush Mountain

Mount Nimba is one of the many mountains that can be found in Cote D’Ivoire. This is one of the things about Côte d’Ivoire you should know before travelling. This peak rises over the neighboring savannah, which shares a border with Liberia and Guinea. If you want to see this lovely mountain, you should visit Cote D’Ivoire. The mountain is covered in a lush forest with a diverse range of wildlife and vegetation. There are a lot of chimps in this area. When visiting Cote D’Ivoire, it is essential to bring your camera to this mountain to photograph the chimps.

Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve is a protected area and UNESCO World Heritage Site in Guinea and Côte d’Ivoire, spanning 17,540 hectares in total, with 12,540 hectares in Guinea and 5,000 hectares in Côte d’Ivoire. The reserve encompasses large swaths of the Nimba Range, a geographically distinct region with extraordinarily diverse flora and fauna, including large numbers of single-site endemic species like viviparous toads and horseshoe bats. Mount Richard-Molard, with a height of 1,752 meters (5,750 feet), is the highest mountain in both countries. top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

Peculiar Nickname Of The National Team

In men’s international football, the Ivory Coast national football team represents the country. Their greatest achievement till 2005 was winning the 1992 African Cup of Nations on penalties against Ghana at the Stade Léopold Sédar Senghor in Dakar, Senegal. In 2015, they won their second tournament, defeating Ghana on penalties in Bata, Equatorial Guinea. FIFA and the Confederation of African Football are both represented on the team (CAF).

The Elephants of Cote D’Ivoire are the national football team of Cote D’Ivoire, just like the Super Eagles of Nigeria and the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon (Les Elephants). The national squad of the country won the African Cup of Nations in 1992 and 2014. On both of these occasions, Ghana was defeated on penalties. Solomon Kalou, the Toure Brothers (Yaya and Kolo), Wilfried Bony, and others are among the footballers who have represented their country.

It’s excellent to hear that Cote D’Ivoire is interested in more than just football. On international stages, the country has proven itself. The state earned the gold medal in Taekwondo and other silver medals in Rio 2016. Cheick Sallah Cisse is the gold medalist’s name.

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

Booming Tourism

Tourism is a common incentive for people to leave their own country. When you visit the country, there are many interesting places to see. The Ivory Coast is famous for its beautiful golden beaches. The country’s unique traditional Senufo cultural and French colonial traditions have also contributed to its tourism appeal. The number of tourists to Cote D’Ivoire is steadily increasing, indicating that the country is drawing international visitors. This is one of the things about Côte d’Ivoire you should know before travelling.

In 2010, the country received 250,000 visitors. After five years, about 1.44 million people have visited the country. During the 1980s, the country was never regarded a holiday destination for tourists or visitors. Because Ivory Coast was not perceived as a friendly country, it underwent two civil wars. Development and stability caused it to change.

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

Largest Producer Of Cocoa

Another thing to keep in mind is that it should be their cocoa mass production. Many of their inhabitants have gained employment as a result of this. If you want to get into cocoa exporting, you should consider visiting the country. As of 2013, the country had moved over 1.400 million metric tonnes of cocoa beans, accounting for 31.6 percent of global production. As of 2012, Côte d’Ivoire was the world’s leading producer and exporter of cocoa beans used in chocolate making, accounting for 38 percent of global cocoa production. It was nearly double that of Ghana, its closest African competitor. Now is the greatest time to visit the Ivory Coast and learn about cocoa production.

Large chocolate companies like Cadbury, Hershey’s, and Nestle buy Ivorian cocoa futures and options on Euronext, which sets global prices. If you wish to invest in it, you should also travel. You will be welcomed by the country.

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

Cote D’Ivoire Has Two Capitals

You, like others who were unaware, are likely to be astonished. Unlike most other countries, this African nation has two capitals. The country’s economic capital is Abidjan. It is the most populous and largest city in the country. Yamoussoukro is the national political capital of Cote D’Ivoire. This is one of the things about Côte d’Ivoire you should know before travelling, particularly if you are a scholar or researcher.

The city of Abidjan was named the capital of the Ivory Coast in 1933, when it was still a colony of France, and it remained so after the country gained independence. The Ivory Coast’s two capitals, on the other hand, are relatively recent and are linked to the country’s first president. After twenty-three years in office, President Félix Houphout-Boigny opted to relocate the country’s official capital from Abidjan to Yamoussoukro, his hometown. Houphout-Boigny did this to promote growth in the country’s central regions and to improve his community. Despite this shift, the majority of embassies and government offices remain in Abidjan.

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

The Official Language Of Cote D’Ivoire

Do you know what Cote D’Ivoire’s official language is? One of the most often asked questions online and offline is what is the official language of Cote D’Ivoire. During the colonial period, French became the official language. Along with Dioula, this language is taught in schools and serves as the country’s lingua franca.

This question is frequently asked to determine whether or not communication will be available. The country acquired independence from France and has the imprint of that country. Abidjan, the country’s economic capital, has the world’s third-largest French-speaking population. Abidjan is one of the most populous cities on the continent, with a population of nearly 4 million people.

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

Cuisine of Côte d’Ivoire

Ivorian cuisine is based on tubers, grains, pig, poultry, shellfish, fish, fresh fruits, vegetables, and spices, and is the traditional cuisine of Côte d’Ivoire, or the Ivory Coast. It’s extremely similar to those of neighboring West African countries. Grains and tubers are common staple foods. Côte d’Ivoire produces cocoa, palm oil, and coffee, and is one of the world’s largest cocoa producers.

Cassava and plantains play an important role in Ivorian cuisine. Corn balls are made with aitiu, a corn paste, and peanuts are often used in recipes. Attiéké is a famous Côte d’Ivoire side dish made with grated cassava that has a taste and consistency similar to couscous. Alloco, a ripe plantain banana fried in palm oil and seasoned with a spicy sauce comprised of onions and chile, is a popular street snack. It can be eaten on its own as a snack or as a side dish with a hard-boiled egg.

The most popular non-vegetarian cuisine are grilled fish and chicken. Poulet bicyclette refers to a lean, low-fat Guinea bird that is popular in the region. Tuna, sardines, shrimp, and bonito are examples of seafood. Smoked fish is also widely available, as it is throughout West Africa. Slow-cooked stews with a variety of ingredients are another popular dish in Côte d’Ivoire. Kedjenou is a spicy stew made with chicken and vegetables that is cooked slowly in a sealed pot with little or no liquid added. The flavors of the chicken and veggies are concentrated, and the poultry is tenderized as a result. It’s usually baked in an oven or cooked in a pottery jar called a canari over a low fire.

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

Le Fête Des Masques

Fêtes des Masques, or the Festival of Masks, is the most popular of all Ivory Coast celebrations, held annually in November. It’s a time to honor the woodland spirits, who are represented by villagers dressed in bright costumes and masks. The festival is hosted at the town of Man in the northern region. This is one of the things you should know about Côte d’Ivoire before travelling.

This is Ivory Coast’s largest and most well-known event. Competitions are held between communities to find the greatest dancers, and seeing them dance pays reverence to the forest spirits represented by the complex masks. The Bouaké carnival, which takes place every March for a week, is another notable event. Many ethnic groups in Ivory Coast have a traditional music style that is defined by a series of rhythms and melodies that occur at the same time, without one dominating the other. Music is used in many elements of the culture.

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

top things about côte d'ivoire you should know before travelling

Tag: Top List Travel

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