Top Things to Know Before Traveling to Timor-Leste

1. Beholding spectacular scenery in Dili, 2. Learn a bit of Tetum and the Portuguese, 3. How bad is crime in East Timor?, 4. Mesmerizing Liquica, coastal city in East Timor, 5. Visa Requirements, 6. Enjoy Timor-Leste Cuisine, 7. Sip a cup of Coffee!. If you're looking for must-see attractions in Timor Leste, you've come to the right spot. What are they, in your opinion? Finding picture-perfect spots, snorkeling in the sea, and looking for color in nature are all things we enjoy doing. Discover some of the Things to Know Before Traveling to Timor-Leste below!

Category: Timor-Leste Top List Travel


  1. Beholding spectacular scenery in Dili
  2. Learn a bit of Tetum and the Portuguese
  3. How bad is crime in East Timor?
  4. Mesmerizing Liquica, coastal city in East Timor
  5. Visa Requirements
  6. Enjoy Timor-Leste Cuisine
  7. Sip a cup of Coffee!

Beholding spectacular scenery in Dili

Dili, the capital of Timor-Leste, is located on East Timor’s northern coast, sandwiched between the central mountains and the narrow plains that run the length of the country and the Ombai Strait. Dili is also the capital of a district of the same name. The district includes Atauro Island as well as the neighboring surroundings.

Dili has a straightforward town center centered on the Government Palace and its environs that is easy to navigate on foot. However, Timor Plaza, 3 km west, and Maitiat’s eateries, 3 km east, are two more tourist attractions, both of which are a considerable walk away.

If you want to see a historic religious site in the capital of Timor-Leste, it’s also worth noting that the Portuguese influence on religion is most obvious. On Sunday mornings, Saint Joseph’s Church of Aimutin, right down and across the road from the Leader Supermarket and Timor Plaza, holds an English liturgy. This is one of the top Things to Know Before Traveling to Timor-Leste.

top things to know before traveling to timor-leste

top things to know before traveling to timor-leste

Learn a bit of Tetum and the Portuguese

Timor-Leste (East Timor) has multiple spoken languages, which is a direct result of the islands’ colonial heritage. It is also worth noting that Tetum and the Portuguese languages have been given official status. The other two Timor-Leste languages, on the other hand, are Indonesian and English, which are extensively spoken throughout the country by both natives and visitors.

The next fact regarding Timor-population Leste’s is that many young people are opposed to the restoration of Portuguese, which they see as a “colonial language.” Despite this, East Timorese and Portuguese cultures became entwined, primarily through intermarriage.

top things to know before traveling to timor-leste

top things to know before traveling to timor-leste

How bad is crime in East Timor?

Travelers should be warned that robberies do occur, and robbers may be armed in some situations. Bags have also been stolen from foreigners. These occurrences have been especially common in Dili and on and near the capital’s beaches. It’s best not to travel alone or late at night.

Leaving items in automobiles unattended is not a good idea. Theft of valuables from automobiles in the’smash and grab’ method is prevalent. Intruders have also broken into residences known to be occupied by foreigners in the past.

Robbery, arson, and vandalism linked to gangs have been recorded in major cities, including Dili, Maliana, Suai, and Same. Vehicles have been pelted with rocks, especially in the early evening and at night. It is obvious that armed groupings of people, especially martial arts groups, should be avoided in both the districts and Dili.

There have been reports of harassment and violence against women, notably expatriate women, near the Christo Rei (the statue of Jesus which overlooks the capital). Criminal activity in the border regions continues to worry security personnel.

Disturbances have occurred near the Comoro airport in Dili, as well as areas around internally displaced persons camps and food storage warehouses.

top things to know before traveling to timor-leste

top things to know before traveling to timor-leste

Mesmerizing Liquica, coastal city in East Timor

The municipality of Liquica, located on the country’s northern coast, offers a treasure trove of land and aquatic attractions. This area, like the rest of Timor Leste’s waters, is part of the Coral Triangle, an immensely complex aquatic ecosystem with coral reefs, countless fish species, and other sorts of marine life. Divers can enjoy a spectacular underwater habitat in the seas around Liquica Island. On dry ground, the ruins of Aipelo, a 19th-century Portuguese colonial prison, can be viewed.

In the town of Maubara, there is also a Dutch fort dating from the 17th century. Another landmark worth visiting is the former Liquica Administrator’s house in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. The former residence of the Liquica Administrator was built in the neoclassical style before 1910.

In front, there is a magnificent staircase, and beyond it is a spacious garden with a pool. During the Indonesian occupation, it served as the residence of the Indonesian administrator. Opposite the home, a small park with numerous pavilions was planned.

top things to know before traveling to timor-leste

top things to know before traveling to timor-leste

Visa Requirements

Will your next vacation take you and your family to Timor Leste? To visit Timor Leste for tourism or business, you will require a Timor Leste visa. You will not be able to obtain a tourist visa before arriving in Timor Leste; instead, you will have to purchase one once you arrive. If you intend to enter Timor Leste by land, you must first get a visa before proceeding to the port of entry. Additionally, you must ensure that your passport is valid and up to date before to your journey. Your passport must have at least two blank visa pages and be valid for at least six months after you leave Timor Leste.

A Timor Leste tourist visa requires a Timor Leste visa application form, an original, signed United States passport, (1) passport photo, a recent bank statement, proof of return ticket, and a sponsorship form if your host would cover your expenditures.

A business visa is required if you are traveling on business. We currently do not have the specific documentation required for a business visa in Timor Leste, but we can give what is commonly requested. For a Timor Leste tourist visa, you must present everything listed above, as well as a business letter or business invitation. Remember that this is one of the top Things to Know Before Traveling to Timor-Leste. top things to know before traveling to timor-leste

top things to know before traveling to timor-leste

Enjoy Timor-Leste Cuisine

Pork, fish, basil, tamarind, beans, corn, rice, root vegetables, and tropical fruit are all popular items in East Timor’s cuisine. East Timorese cuisine is influenced by Malay and Portuguese foods as a result of Portugal’s colonization. Due to the presence of Portuguese soldiers from other former Portuguese colonies in East Timor, flavors and ingredients from other former Portuguese colonies can be found.

Because agriculture is East Timor’s primary occupation, rice is the country’s staple food. Other primary foods grown in East Timor include sweet potatoes, maize, cassava, and taro, in addition to rice. Beans, cabbage, spinach, onions, and cowpeas supplement these major staples.

Poultry, pigs, and goats make up the second food category. Most East Timorese households grow their own meat animals. Fish is another source of animal protein in this country, as fishing is a popular pastime after agriculture.

top things to know before traveling to timor-leste

top things to know before traveling to timor-leste

Sip a cup of Coffee!

Have you tried Starbucks’ Mount Ramelau Coffee? Timor Leste coffee is regarded as one of the greatest in the world. East Timor coffee offers a medium to full body, an expansive flavor, and a lively but low-toned acidity.

Coffee flaws can come from discrepancies in harvesting and processing, resulting in musty and/or hard attributes. The Portuguese were the first to introduce coffee, and it quickly became one of the most sought-after coffees of the period.

Timorese coffee production plummeted during the Indonesian occupation, with many fields being abandoned. Coffee became, and continues to be, Timor Leste’s most important agricultural export product after independence, accounting for over 80% of all exports. However, when compared to the 65,000 tonnes of green beans imported into Australia, an export quantity of 2,500 tonnes of green beans is insignificant.

top things to know before traveling to timor-leste

top things to know before traveling to timor-leste

Tag: Timor-Leste Top List Travel

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